Soft skills

Traditional training has been proven to enable the competence of workers, passing on skills that allow them to solve specific, in the face of specific difficulties.

Nowadays, in an increasingly competitive environment, we seek to complement these basic skills for the execution of daily tasks with the development of skills related to productive personality traits that characterise the relationships of a person in an environment. This provides new skills that enhance workers’ communication, eloquence, empathy, time management, teamwork and leadership.

That is why Famytec Solutions is committed to this training, both internally, as a good way to improve the company culture, but also by offering this new training to our clients:

  • Project management
  • Team management
  • Time management
  • Communication and influence
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Digital skills
  • New leadership modules
  • Office automation (For example, Office 365, Excel and Teams)
  • Digital tools