“Building the future together”
“Building the future together”

Business Activity
Famytec Solutions is a technology consulting company with 100% Spanish capital, that bases its activity on three different business lines:
The company comes from a long business history that began in Madrid in 2002 and continues to the present day.
Twenty years later the company became known as Famytec Solutions.
Famytec Solutions performs services for clients in Spain and various European and Latin American countries.
Its long history makes it an established company, both in the technological market and in current technology, with strong potential for future growth.
Famytec Solutions aims to shape a business based on two guidelines: • Client satisfaction • Team satisfaction
Therefore, Famytec Solutions’ mission is to integrate the needs of the client with the abilities of its work team.
The company has highly specialised teams, combined with the greatest possible technological flexibility. We set out to understand clients needs whilst adapting what we offer to changing business situations. The business backs young talent, incorporating staff coming from training centres.
The Famytec Solutions team is composed of a group of professionals with a long history in the different business areas of the company. The business family that makes up Famytec Solutions has been working for many years in the leading sectors of system infrastructure, IT platforms and specialised training.
Vanguard technology guides the training activities of our work teams and the development of professional expertise necessary to provide the best possible service to our clients.
Professional development and the training of personnel are sources of ‘expertise’ and ‘know how’ but would be incomplete without teamwork and the support of other professionals who make up the team.
We want to be a trusted supplier, where we are close to our clients. We want them to think of us as their family, to trust in our work and commitment, doing our best to achieve their objectives.
We are a highly specialised and flexible group, where experience and drive, youth and experience and, above all, commitment and effort combine.
We want to see ourselves growing together with our clients, and strive to offer a different value. In business, there must be an element of bravery and if this is not the case, it is better that others more ready undertake the work.
Famytec Solutions’ vision is to increase the value of its team and services through specialisation in and diversification of the fields of technologies in which it operates.
The company aspires to grow in an integrated and orderly manner and to increase both its business output and its market value.
Famytec Solutions wants this growth to be supported that has been developed and trained within the company. Those responsible for the future growth of the company must be the young consultants of today.
Specialisation, diversification and professional careers will be the the company’s guidelines and our commitment for our future in the technology business.


