We are living through an unprecedented evolution of technology infrastructure.
What started out as simple systems for very specific tasks, have diversified into enormous Data Processing Centres (DPCs) in which large farms of servers provide unimaginable computing power. Law such as Moore’s are becoming obsolete in the face of technological advances, without even thinking about the potential irruption of quantum computing that threatens to transform what we know into something totally new.
Infrastructures have advanced in their complexity and versatility. Physical servers have given way to virtualisation and virtualisation to service containers, the same as on premises infrastructures have given way to the Cloud.
All this has transformed infrastructures into a melting pot of technology which for their maximisation requires a high level of knowledge and organisations with infrastructure support systems that add value and agility to an ever-changing environment in which companies operate both their businesses and the technology infrastructure that supports them.
Famytec Solutions has in its infrastructure and cybersecurity area, the equipment and professionals necessary to meet all needs with regards to design, implementation, support and client infrastructure security, providing a personalised and quality service to the various problems that can be posed to companies.